McMinn County & Athens
Issues & Answers

Now The County Schools Are Aiming at the TaxPayers

After the success of the Athens City Schools in the fleecing of the taxpayers one should not be suprised at  the county schools catching the scent of  more money, not the money that grows on trees but the money that comes out of the taxpayers  pockets.  The McMinn County Schools are discussing a consolidation plan just like their mentor the Athens School Board.  At an estimated price tag of 95,000,000 to 127,000,000 dollars (what' a small difference of $32 million,) it would seem the county's bragging rights to being the only debt free county in Tennessee are in serious jepordy.  Keep in mind the Athens City project started at $11 million and has worked its way up to $60 million and counting. 

Just as the the Athens City Council has admitted the new sales tax increase alone would not be enough to fund their project, a property tax increase would also be neccessary. It's obvious that the county's plans would require the same.  So the 12% (871) of registered voters in the city of Athens who voted for the sales tax increase have set in motion a sales tax and property tax increase for the entire county of 50,000.