The Athens Great Recession of 2008 - 2016


Pics of The Great Recession

Corps Closed Since 2008

Food Stamps & SNAP

 In March of 2016 the McMinn County unemployment rate dropped below 5%; although the county has not returned to pre-great recession economic levels this marks the end of the great recession.

The National Bureau of Economic Research, the official tracker of recessions in the U.S., has declared the start of the latest recession as December 2007 and the end as June 2009. We in Athens wish it had ended in 2009, but clearly Athens has not rebounded to its previous level of economic activitiy.

There is no on-line source documenting the great Depression in Athens, but it is hoped this site will be a source of documentation of the Great Recession for present and future generations of Athenians. It is not a pretty picture, businesses closed, vacant buildings galore, and high unemployment. To view the economic carnage, follow the links on the sidebar.  As you view how the citizens have suffered, you might want to keep in mind how your tax dollars have been used.

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